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Distraught wife of rugby Joe Westerman reveals reason she’s GLAD video was leaked on social media

Distraught wife of rugby Joe Westerman reveals reason she’s GLAD video was leaked on social media

Distraught wife of rugby Joe Westerman reveals reason she’s GLAD video was leaked on social media

THE distraught wife of rugby league love rat Joe Westerman told yesterday how she’s glad the X-rated video of her cheating hubby was leaked on social media.

Brave Lauren Westerman, 33, said the graphic seven-second clip filmed in a darkened alley and uploaded to Twitter had inflicted untold harm on her and their children

Lauren Westerman has said that she is glad the x-rated video of her hubby Joe cheating emergedCredit: Ben Lack

The rugby league love rat was caught on camera with another woman

Dignified Lauren told The Sun: “I’ve relived that footage over and over again. It’s something I’ll never be able to get out of my mind no matter how hard I try.

“There are absolutely no excuses for what he’s done, not just to me but to our children and wider family.

“Everything between us was fine, he FaceTimed me at 4pm on Saturday whilst he was out and then texted at 2.30am to say he couldn’t get in because he didn’t have his house keys.

“I was staying overnight at my mum’s house and he texted the next morning to say how rough he felt, but that was it.

“There was no inkling of what was to come.


“Truth is, he only told me because it was on social media. But I’m glad it was found because the thought of kissing him after that just makes me feel sick.”

The mum-of-three told how her husband’s almighty fall from grace, and her living nightmare, began after the player went on an extraordinary 15-hour booze binge at the weekend.

It started at 11.30am on Saturday in the pubs and bars of Pontefract, West Yorks, took in the grim alleyway behind Greggs, and ended at 2.30am the following day.

Hours later, footage of the Castleford Tigers star, his trousers and pants wrapped round his ankles while performing a sex act on a blonde estate agent, had been shared all over the world and left a trail of heartache.

Most read in Rugby League

Lauren has been bombarded with apologetic text messages from her 33-year-old childhood sweetheart but she is adamant there is no way back.

Speaking about the revelation from her husband, Lauren explained: “Later that night, Joe was at our neighbour’s house and he said ‘I need to talk to you’.

“His face just dropped and he looked totally different. He said, ‘I’ve done something last night . . . I’ve been videoed with a girl with my pants down’.

“I asked to see the video and he said he didn’t have it but that it was on Twitter.

“I went on to Twitter and saw it had been deleted and deleted loads of times and then about half an hour later it was posted again and that’s when I saw it.

“I just felt physically sick. My next thought was for my 14-year-old daughter and whether I could get to her before she saw it.

“But it was too late. She kept being added to these Snapchat groups from school and being sent the video.

“She left the groups but kept being added to more and it was sent to her again and again and again.

“Our nine-year-old was also sent a screenshot of the video in messages.

“That’s their dad and I feel so sorry for them that they’ve had to see something like that.”

Lauren was also contacted by worried friends who had seen the video online and feared she was unaware.

He painfully told each one in turn: “It’s OK, I’ve already seen it.”

Lauren, who married Joe in 2014, reveals she immediately kicked him out of the family home but pauses momentarily to show me the awful memes featuring him that are now flooding social media.

They are too graphic to describe in a family newspaper.

And of the married mum-of-two involved in the video, Lauren says: “It’s the children I feel for. Our children and her children.

“She’ll never live it down. She’s lost her job and there are memes of her sweeping the internet, her children are going to see that.

“I don’t know if our children will ever forgive their dad.

“There will be no more family dinners, no family days out. It’s all gone. The kids won’t be able to see him play again because of the chants he will now inspire.

“I just hope in time they can forget it.”

Brave Lauren told The Sun that she doesn’t know if their kids will ever forgive himCredit: Twitter

Joe issued an apology to his family and his club after the video emergedCredit: Getty Images – Getty

The graphic clip was shot in an alley by a GreggsCredit: Ben Lack.


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