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Video of Tony Rosado Puerto Maldonado stripped a young man at a concert, the original video was leaked

Video of Tony Rosado Puerto Maldonado stripped a young man at a concert, the original video was leaked

Video of Tony Rosado Puerto Maldonado stripped a young man at a concert, the original video was leaked. Víctor Agustín Rosado Adanaqué, stage name Tony Rosado, who died on October 17 in Puerto Maldonado (Madre de Dios region) was involved in reprehensible acts of violence against women at a concert in the town of La Pampa.

According to images published by Izvestia, the 65-year-old cumbia singer took off the clothes of a woman who went on stage with the sole purpose of winning a case of beer. Attendees recorded the scandalous incident and continued applauding the shameful scene. The woman, who was allegedly intoxicated, took off her underwear and handed it to Toni Rosado, covering her legs with the skirt she was wearing. While he began to dance with the artist of the event and turned his back to her, Kambiambaro took the opportunity to lift her skirt in front of everyone. Although the woman covered herself again, Toni Rosado insisted and undressed her completely.

The composer and singer of Cambiano Tenha told what happened and denied having removed the woman’s clothes, even though the images are convincing. Speaking to US News, he assured that he was unaware of the challenge that the concert organizers were about to implement. “I don’t know, they put a girl on stage and they took off her underwear and gave her a case of beer. I didn’t know these competitions existed but they were used to it in Puerto Maldonado, you know in the mines. “In La Pampa there is a lot of prostitution here in the pasture,” she responded.

He added that it was said that the young woman asked to be helped to remove her clothes, but the evidence indicated otherwise. “The girl said ‘help me’ and she yelled ‘help me’ because I was far away and I walked up and untied her from behind and that’s it,” she said. The Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations, Nancy Tolentino, announced that her office will act ex officio after singer Tony Rosado was caught taking off a woman’s clothes at a concert and will take legal action against him. Let us remember that this is not the first time that the Piulana artist has been involved in a scandal of violence against women.

We will act because we oppose all forms of violence, wherever it comes from, and we will act ex officio against any breach of our rules of defense and protection of women. We will act against any violation of women’s rights. Not an object, not a thing, we must guarantee the right to live a life free of violence and I oppose all forms of violence against it.”

Likewise, the Ministry of Women issued a statement confirming that they will ask the Public Ministry to intervene, initiate an investigation and punish those responsible.

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